For her Masters at the Posgrado en Ciencias Biológicas, Rosa will be the first Plant Anatomist in Mexico to study the development of galls. Galls are organs produced by plants in response to stimuli from other organisms and in the case of insects, are consider an extension of their own phenotype. In collaboration with the Zoology Department of the IB UNAM, Dr. Alejandro Zaldívar, the entomologist head of the National Insect Collection and Dr. Renê Cordeiro, from the Federal University of Goiás (Brazil), expert in gall anatomy and development, Rosa will explore the superhost Coccoloba barbadensis, naturally occurring at the Chamela Biological Station of the UNAM (Jalisco) to unravel at least 5 different morphotypes of galls that have been previously described for this plant, and how the plant respond to each individual gall trigger in terms of tissue response and organ formation.