Israel Lopes da Cunha Neto
Former PhD Student - Universidade de São Paulo. Concluded: September 2021.  Advisor: Veronica Angyalossy; Co-advisor: Marcelo R. Pace. Currently a post-doc at NYU

Post-doc - Cornell University, Ithaca, New York (Supervisor: Joyce G. Chery)

PhD candidate – Universidade de São Paulo (Advisor: Veronica Angyalossy; Co-advisor: Marcelo R. Pace)

M.Sc. -  Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Advisor: Neusa Tamaio)

B.Sc. – Agronomy – Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia

Israel has studied in his M.Sc. ontogeny of Sapindaceae stems under the supervision of Neusa Tamaio (Jardim Botânico de Rio de Janeiro), while in his PhD he became world-expert in the anatomy of the Pantropical plant family Nyctaginaceae, with ample collaborations of experts in Caryophyllales and Nyctaginaceae, being able to unravel the evolution of the stems, habits and cambial variants in the family. Israel is a motivated researcher who has collected practically all of his samples across the US, Mexico, Brazil and Bolivia. Currently he is a post-doc in the Onyenedum Lab at NYU. His website is