Aline Camargo Rosas
Former Master Student.  Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul. Concluded 2018. Advisor: Rosani Arruda. Co-advisor: Marcelo R. Pace.

In her master project, under the supervision of Dr. Rosani Arruda (Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil), my co-supervision and in collaboration with Dr. Pablo Cabanillas (Universidad de La Plata, Argentina), Aline analyzed the underground system in Malpighiaceae genus Stigmaphyllon. The literature had mentioned the presence of bulk underground organs in the group, but a formal study had never been undertaken. Aline discovered that both roots and stems may be involved in the formation of these enlarged organs in Stigmaphyllon and that the cambial variant present in the stem is also present in the underground organs, producing even more parenchyma tissue acting in storage. Aline also found that the roots of Stigmaphyllon are gemiferous.